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Living With The Shades Pulled Down

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 27.08.2012

I fell in love with a working girl oh Lord she sure was sweet
I met her down in the Red Light Tavern working on Bourbon Street
Way down in the old French quarter bright lights side of town
Daytime life sure is cozy living with the shades pulled down.

Living with the shades pulled down all day
Loving while the world goes around
Nobody knows what all we're doing
Living with the shades pulled down.

Some might get the wrong I did but the kind of man I am
But I bring home my half of that bacon pickin' in the guitar band
Love is all my working girl brings me comin' in off the town
Daytime life sure gets cozy living with the shades pulled down.

Living with the shades pulled down all day
Loving while the world goes around
Nobody knows what all we're doing
Living with the shades pulled down.

Living with the shades pulled down all day
Loving while the world goes around
Nobody knows what all we're doing
Living with the shades pulled down.

Living with the shades pulled down all day
Loving while the world goes around
Nobody knows what all we're doing
Living with the shades pulled down...

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