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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 29.08.2012

Tony went to fight in Belfast
Rudi stayed at home to starve
I could make it all worthwhile as a rock & roll star
Bevan tried to change the nation
Sonny wants to turn the world, well he can tell you that he tried

I could make a transformation as a rock & roll star
So inviting - so enticing to play the part
I could play the wild mutation as a rock & roll star
Get it all yeah!
Oh yeah

I could do with the money
I'm so wiped out with things as they are
I'd send my photograph to my honey - and I'd c'mon like a regular superstar

I could fall asleep at night as a rock & roll star
I could fall in love all right as a rock & roll star

I could make a transformation as a rock & roll star
So inviting - so enticing to play the part
I could play the wild mutation as a rock & roll star
Get it all yeah!
Oh yeah

I could do with the money
I'm so wiped out with things as they are
I'd send my photograph to my honey - and I'd c'mon like a regular superstar

I could fall asleep at night as a rock & roll star
I could fall in love all right as a rock & roll star

Rock'n'roll star
Rock'n'roll star
Bam bom bam
Watch me now

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