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Holding On To Heaven

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.06.2012

And if forever never comes tonight.
And if forever never comes tonight.
And if forever never comes tonight.
I'll hold on, hold on.

I keep listening to my chest for a beat, but theres nothing left.
It's been a week since I've seen you, and I still can't believe it.
Because I'm dying inside alone.

And in every dream we gotta be apart.
I'm like a baby with a broken heart.
But the second that I see you.
You will know how much I need you.
Because I'll never be letting you go.

Now you know why.
I'm lost without you.
And there's nothing I can do.
Your the one that I keep going without.
And by holding onto you, then I'll be holding on forever.

I've got you now and I'm not letting go of you.
Never been together long enough.
Because every moment I'm with you, it's like I'm holding onto heaven.

And if forever never comes tonight.
And if forever never comes tonight.
And if forever never comes tonight.
I'll hold on, hold on.

In a symphony, baby you would be my melody.
And you would flow like a river, slowing going on forever.
Like a feather that's blowing away.
Like everyone that needs a fairytale, like every mother's love that never fails.
Like every game that needs a player, and a sinner needs a savior.
I'm the villain that your willing to save.

Now you know why.
I'm lost without you.
And there's nothing I can do.
Your the one that I keep going without.
And by holding onto you, then I'l be holding on forever.

I've for you now and I'm not letting go of you.
Never been together long enough.
Because every moment I'm with you, it's like I'm holding onto heaven.

I'm willing to wait, just to see another day.
What I'm waiting for will wash this pain away.
And it's never too late...

And if forever never comes tonight.
And if forever never comes tonight.
And if forever never comes tonight.
I'll hold on, hold on.

Now you know why.
I'm lost without you.
And there's nothing I can do.
Your the one that I keep going without.
And by holding onto you, then I'll be holding on forever.

I've got you now and I'm not letting go of you.
Never been together long enough.
Because every moment I'm with you, it's like I'm holding onto heaven.

Похожие новости.



Хочеться більшого, глибшого, вищого. Може щирішого, а може незвичного. Вдома лукава (вдома лукава) Мене не отравить. Сон на розправу (сон на розправу) Гарячої кави. Хочу мінятись я і чимось займатися. І прокидатися від єха овації. Щось мене кличе

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