Torn And Frayed
Hey let him follow you down,
Way underground wind and he's bound.
Bound to follow you down,
Just a dead beat right off the street.
Bound to follow you down.
Well the ballrooms and smelly bordellos
And dressing rooms filled with parasites.
On stage the band has got problems,
They're a bag of nerves on first nights.
He ain't tied down to no home town,
Yeah, and he thought he was wreckless.
You think he's bad, he thinks you're mad,
Yeah, and the guitar player gets restless.
And his coat is torn and frayed,
It's seen much better days.
Just as long as the guitar plays
Let it steal your heart away,
Let it steal your heart away.
Joe's got a cough, sounds kind a rough,
Yeah, and the codeine to fix it.
Doctor prescribes, drug store supplies,
Who's gonna help him to kick it
Well his coat is torn and frayed,
It`s seen much better days.
Just as long as the guitar plays
Let it steal your heart away,
Let it steal your heart away.
Похожие новости.

Кіт Муркіт
Серпнева ніч, море тепла. Фарбує зорі пухнастий кіт - На небо бешкетник заліз. Далі з Іспанії його привіз Оце диво завжди, хотіла Чічоліна. А він сміється, за Іхтіандром барвінком в’ється. Приспів: Кіт-Муркіт, кіт-пройдисвіт. Орудар вольтанців, натхненник митців. Валеріану в

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