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Miracle Of Life

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 10.07.2012

(Trevor Rabin, Mark Mancina)

Hold on to the miracle of life...

Secret lives of oceans been washed away like mud.
You don't want my devotion;
You'd rather be washed in blood.
Can we turn away from this open anger?
Counting all the prey
Don't you feel the danger to the miracle of life.

Sing when open hearts are calling,
Shout with open eyes (To the miracle of life)
Far below the deepest treasure
To the miracle of life

Living in times of luster, waiting for the flood.
We don't agree with your concepts;
You'd rather be washed in blood.
Is it any wonder? (In my lifetime)
Cold depth of blue water...
Is it any wonder? (In my lifetime)
Rising tides of slaughter - shoulda been washed in blood

Sing when open hearts are calling,
Shout with open eyes (To the miracle of life)
Far beyond your deepest pleasure
To the miracle of life


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