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Real Love

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 03.07.2012

(Rabin, Squire, Anderson)

Get the fire, as the flame it burns,
Get the wind as it slowly turns.
Get the earth as it circles by,
Get the sky see creation fly.

This point of living;
This point of giving;
This chance of living,
Has got to be known.

Get the fire, as the flame it burns,
Get the wind as it slowly turns.
Get the earth...
Get the sky...

Far away, in the depths of Hawking's mind
To the animal, primalistic grind,
You bring me reason, a simple fact of life.
(Bring me reason...)
You don't say you're sorry...

Call this real love
Activiates this mission
To be on the same timeline.
Call this free love
Get a ticket on the master plan.
On the freedom climb.

Get the fire, as the flame it burns,
Get the wind as it slowly turns.
Get the earth...
Get the sky...

This point of living;
This point of giving;
This chance of living
Far away, in the depths of Hawking's mind
To the animal, the primalistic grind,
You bring me reason, a simple fact of life.
You don't say you're sorry...
Call this free love
Activiates this mission
To be on the same timeline.
Call this free love
Get a ticket on the master plan.
On the freedom climb.

Call this free love
You can activate this message
On the concourse of your fine mind.
Call this real love
Get off those chains,
Get off those chains.
Get off those changes coming to you.

Похожие новости.



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