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We Can Fly

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 22.08.2012

Along the edge of this airfield
The old prop-shaft airliners stand
Altimeters reading zero
Formless memories lingering

Nights are cold on this airfield
I sit alone watching radar
Locked on the wavelength, God in the field
Falling slowly into the screen

Every day that you waste
Is one more that you lost
When you wake up
I see you there
On display in lights
A final point of no return
Taking us there from here

And we can fly from here
And we can fly from here
And we can fly from here
Into a sky so clearly
Move back, we*ll dry the tears
For those once held so dearly
And love will never disappear


Along the edge of this airfield
The old prop-shaft airliners stand
Altimeters reading zero
Formless memories lingering
Lingering, lingering, lingering

And we can fly from here
Into a sky so clearly
Look back, we*ll dry the tears
For those once held so dearly

And we can fly from here
*We can fly
And we can fly from here
*We can fly
And we can fly from here
*We can fly
And we can fly from here
*We can fly

And we can fly from here
Always understanding that we can fly


Every day that you waste
Is one more that you*ve lost
On display in lights
A final point of no return

Every day that you waste
Is one more that you*ve lost
On display in lights
A final point of no return

Похожие новости.



Es gibt nicht viel auf dieser Welt, woran man sich halten kann. Manche sagen die Liebe, vielleicht ist da was dran. Und es bleibt ja immer noch Gott, wenn man sonst niemand hat. Andere glauben an



Yeah, yeah, yeah, ya, ya, ya This is how we do it, this is how we go this is how we rock, this is how we roll, this is how we do it, do



Стихи и музыка: А. Васильев Ни окна, ни пролета, ни двери - Только черная мертвая ночь В ней, забыв о грядущям, спят усталые звери, Отовсюду ушедшие прочь Им не хочется думать о прошлом, В этом прошлом

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