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So Good

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 12.11.2012

I still remember that final look on your face, face
When I finally told you I'd be on my way, I'd be on my way, hey
You called me crazy said I'm out of my mind
I said but if I'd stay here, it'd be a waste of time
I really gotta go, gotta get out of here, I'm running
Gotta continue my journey
Cause all lying and declining you know that I'm off
I ain't trying to go to when it was all that
Boy when you had me you really know how to act
Now where you're going from I ain't coming back
Hey, cause I'm too good for all that I wanna give this love back if I could
My love is so good
You wish you could get this girl back
You miss me cause my love is so good
My love is so good, so good, so good, so good, so good
My love is so good, so good, so good, so good, so good
My love is so good, so good, so good, so good, so good
My love is so good, so good, so good, so good, so good

All I did... was smoking mirror, making pictures, reaching temper, then it's different
Look what you did to us,
You used to find the heart to tell me you love me
Now you need me I find it so hard, so hard to believe that you want me
Well I am in no rush
Everything that you wanted was yours
Love was right in your face, face and now it ain't no more, no more

Cause all lying and declining you know that I'm off
I ain't trying to go to when it was all that
Boy when you had me you really know how to act
Now where you're going from I ain't coming back
Hey, cause I'm too good for all that I wanna give this love back if I could
My love is so good
You wish you could get this girl back
You miss me cause my love is so good
My love is so good, so good, so good, so good, so good
My love is so good, so good, so good, so good, so good
My love is so good, so good, so good, so good, so good
My love is so good, so good, so good, so good, so good

Now you're begging me to come home but I'm already over you baby
I got your old tone, assume this time alone
Boy you want me and you miss me like crazy
But you're all out of luck
My love is so good, so good, so good, so good, so good
My love is so good, so good, so good, so good, so good
My love is so good, so good, so good, so good, so good
My love is so good, so good, so good, so good, so good, oh yeah.

Похожие новости.

M?moire Morte

M?moire Morte

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Зачароване Коло

Зачароване Коло

1 Прийшла біда й крилом накрила нас, Тепер шукати марно винуватих. Здається, назавжди спинився час - Печальний час на наших циферблатах. В твоїх очах - блакитний лід зими, І розтопить його мені не сила. Скажи: невже у



Розцвіли восени у саду хризантеми чудові, Мов минуле життя, моє довге, моє кольорове. Я на квіти дивлюсь, нескінченно радію красі їх. Вони в душу мою надихають любов та надію. Приспів: Вони довго цвітуть, Аж до самих

Je M’ennuie

Je M’ennuie

La vie oscille ? l'envi Comme un pendule rouill? Me balancer De la tourmente a l'ennui L'ennui naquit un jour gris D'une uniformit? que je Sais invincible Qu'on tra?ne toute sa vie Toute sa vie durant Obstin?ment Sempiternelle r?verie De l'ennui

Запроси Мене У Сни

Запроси Мене У Сни

Йдуть літа - то не біда, Тільки іноді шкода, Що в мереживі доріг Я знайти тебе не зміг. Приспів: Запроси мене у сни свої, В ті, що досі не збулись. Запроси мене у сни свої, В ті, що

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