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After The Show

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 21.08.2012

Been on every stage
In every place
Been around the world and back again
A million times

But some things
They never change
No matter what i do it's always you
that's on my mind

Even when I'm out of this game
I'm always gonna be the same
Are you gonna change

I gotta know
If you're still gonna care for me
After the show
When I'm no longer on MTV
I gotta know
Will you be there when the times get tough
Are you still gonna give me love
Or are you gonna leave me in the cold
After the show

When I'm steppin' out
Of the spotlight
And I'm on this stage for the last time
will you walk away

Will you be there
Look me in the eyes
Then I'll know it was worth the sacrifice

Even when I'm out of this game
I'm always gonna be the same
Are you gonna change

I gotta know
If you're still gonna care for me
After the show
When I'm no longer on MTV
I gotta know
Will you be there when the times get tough
Are you still gonna give me love
Or are you gonna leave me in the cold
After the show

Will you give me love, will you still care
Are you gonna be the same
When I step down, will you be there
Are you gonna go and change
Will you give me love, will you still care
Even when I leave this game
When the lights out, will you be there
Are you gonna change

I gotta know
If you're still gonna care for me
After the show
When I'm no longer on MTV
I gotta know
Will you be there when the times get tough
Are you still gonna give me love
Or are you gonna leave me in the cold
After the show

After, After the show
After, After the show
After, After the show

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