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Ten Cent Pistol

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 02.10.2012

Well, he ran around
Late at night
Holding hands
And making light
Of everything
That came before
But there she was
Behind the door

She hit them with her ten cent pistol
Because they ruined her name
Well, she hit them with her ten cent pistol
And they've never been the same

There's nothing worse
In this world
Than payback from a
Jealous girl
The laws of man
Don't apply
When blood gets in
A woman's eye

Well, she hit them with her ten cent pistol
Because they ruined her name
Well, she hit them with her ten cent pistol
And they've never been the same

Stars did fall
Thunder rolled
Bugs crawled back
In their holes
The couple screamed
But far too late
Cause a jealous heart
Did retaliate

She hit them with her ten cent pistol
Because they ruined her name
Well, she hit them with her ten cent pistol
And they've never been the same

Похожие новости.

Там, Де Ти

Там, Де Ти

Небо за хмарами, Сонце за горами, Де ти шукаєш мене? Щастя заховане В сонячних променях Кличеш, не можеш знайти. Бігаєш росами, Вмиваєшся сльозами, Всюди шукаєш мене, А я за тобою йду, Всюди тебе веду, Чекаю, коли ти знайдеш. А я живу там,

You Are So Beautiful

You Are So Beautiful

You are so beautiful to me You are so beautiful to me Can't you see Your everything I hoped for Your everything I need You are so beautiful to me Such joy and happiness you bring Such



Together, together Like a leaf stuck to a tree And that's the way it oughta be With you and me, forever more Never ooh, never Do I ever think of you Without including myself Lying close to

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Одне правдиве правило згадалося мені: "Чого дурні? Бо бідні! Чого бідні? Бо дурні!". І всенародна дурість підростає у ціні - Вона в лайні не тоне і не горить у вогні. Ми на чуже завжди



Останній бій, Життя нам честь. Зло на зло, Смерті вість. Дай, дай. Дай жить чи померти. Дай, дай. Дай спокій мені. Знай, знай. Це просто безчестя. Дай, дай. Дай волю мені. Чом тебе, Нерозпізнаю вночі? Значить ти, Не поставила свічи! Спить в землі, Меч війни. Марить смерть, Без крові.

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