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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 22.08.2012

Every guy in this pub in gonna tell you no worry that
Every chic in the club is gonna cry me all night
Possible baby girl you like drinking my blood-е
Possible you know you like to poop my heart in I see I (? thena ?)
Possible you like to telling me of sweet (? lithe ?) and i

Alcohol is sugar and ice
Alcohol is sugar and spicy spice...
Alcohol is sugar and... sugar and...
I know you need someone...
you need someone... Need someone...
you need someone...
Repeat she's twice: "eating no alcohol is sugar and ice."
Alcohol is sugar and... sugar and spice
Alcohol is sugar and ice

everything you lying not love is gonna tell you no worry
Every chick in a pub is gonna cry me all night i could
possible girl you like to tell me sweet words
posible baby girl poop my heart in the ice
possible you like to telling me what you telling me when i mean:
Alcohol sweet sugar and ice
Alcohol is sugar and ice...
Alcohol is sugar and... sugar and...
I know you need someone
I see you need someone
need someone... you need someone...
Repeat she's twice: "eating no alcohol is sugar and ice."
Alcohol is sugar and spicy spice
Alcohol is sugar and ice.

sugar and... sugar and ice
spicy spice... sugar and... sugar and...
sweet, sweet sugar... my sugar
I know you need someone... someone....
I know you need someone...
I know you need someone...
Repeat she's twice eating
no alcohol is sugar and ice
Alcohol is sugar and spicy spice
Alcohol is sugar and... sugar and... sugar and...
??... sugаr and...

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