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In The Name Of Love

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 12.09.2012

Rest far
no no no
Its alright its alright
I wanna hold you
on through that day and on through that night
and when the sun goes down
I'm not gonna kiss you goodnight
'Cause we will be dancing ye
in every street in the name of love
where we live as one
in the name of love
in the name of love
(oh ye ye ye)
in the name of love
(oh ye ye ye)
in the name of love
(oh ye ye ye)
in the name of love
in the name of love

When that old mob wind blows
in our heart theres a promise of spring
theres not a cloud in the sky
just a will to survive
and we will be dancing
in every street in the name of love
where we live as one
in the name of love
in the name of love
in the name of love
in the name of love
in the name of love
in the name of love
(ooh ye ye ye)
in the name of love
(ooh ye ye ye)
in the name of love
(ooh ye ye ye)
in the name of love
in the name of love

all the white ones
all around the world
rest off
to the walls of Jamaica

rainbow, children, all around the world

ooh ye
alright alright
in the name of love now
we got love love love yeah
all the children
fill their hearts full of love, hope
yeah yeah yeah

everybody now
put a smile in your heart
its alright
yeah yeah
its alright
ooh yeah

we got love love love
you better believe it
so much love love love
you gotta believe it

all the colors of the rainbow

we got love love love
you better believe it
so much love love love you gotta believe it (you better believe it)
we got love love love
you better believe it (you better believe it)
so much love love love
you gotta believe it

we got love love love
you better believe it
so much love love love
you gotta believe it
we got love love love
you better believe
so much love love love
you gotta believe it

we got love love love
you better believe it
so much love love love
you better believe it

ooh ye ye ye
ooh ye ye ye
ooh ye ye ye
in the name of love
in the name of love

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