I Thought That We Were Still In Love
Last night while we were talking the way that old friends do
I suddenly got lost in my yesterdays with you
I told you that in my heart you would always be the one
That I'd lie waking in the dark, pray that you will come
But I didn't mean to say that
Somehow it just slipped out
I swear that I would take it back
If I could right now
All I ask is you believe
I'd forgotten where I was
With you there so close to me
I thought that we were still in love
Oh I knew just what I'd done when you stood up so fast
And say the friends that we'd become can't hold on to the past
You said it's been a long long time since love came to an end
If I hadn't learned to draw the line, it's useless to pretend
But I didn't mean to say that
Somehow it just slipped out
I swear that I would take it back
If I could right now
All I ask is you believe
I'd forgotten where I was
With you there so close to me
I thought that we were still in love
I don't think I could take goodbye, that much is still the truth
Won't you forgive me just for one night, it's what a friend would do
'Coz I didn't mean to say that
Somehow it just slipped out
I swear that I would take it back
If I could right now
All I ask is you believe
I'd forgotten where I was
With you there so close to me
I thought that we were still in love
Still in love
I thought that we were still in love
Похожие новости.

Москва — Владивосток
Под перестук колес городки проплывают мимо, До хрипоты, до слез все здесь привычно и любимо, Все здесь любимо – до хрипоты, до слез… ПРИПЕВ: Москва – Владивосток И обратно, Где запад, где восток – Непонятно, Где север,

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