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This Cold War With You

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 22.10.2012

The sun goes down
And leaves me sad and blue
The iron curtain falls
On this cold war with you
Tho' you don't speak
And I won't speak it's true
Two stubborn people
With a cold war to go through

Why, oh, why should love ever come
To couples, like you and me
Whose cold, cold wars are never done
And whose hearts just can't be free

So let's make up
Or let's just say we're through
I just can't stand another
Cold, cold war with you

Why, oh, why should love ever come
To couples, like you and me
Whose cold, cold wars are never done
And whose hearts just can't be free

So let's make up
Or let's just say we're through
I just can't stand another
Cold, cold war with you

I just can't stand another
Cold, cold war with you

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