Mama Said Don’t
Mama said "don't go near that river wearin' that Sunday dress"
I spent a lot of money on the pretty little thing so you better not get it wet"
But I couldn't help but wanna jump right in when I felt that summer sun beat down
I did what she said, I didn't get it wet
I left it on the muddy ground
Mama said don't
I swore that I won't
But every time mama said don't
I did
Mama said "don't you waste your time girl chasing a boy like that"
If he's the kind of trouble that his daddy was
He'll break your heart in no time flat"
And don't you fall for that up to something, crooked good for nothin' grin"
But when he pulled up in his red S-10 I couldn't help but jump right in
Mama said don't
I swore that I won't
But every time mama said don't
I did
Every time I try to prove her wrong, she always ends up right
But it just wouldn't be like me
If I didn't put up a fight
Mama said don't [x4]
Mama said don't
I swore that I won't
But every time mama said don't
Yeah every time mama said don't
Every time mama said don't
I did
Mama said "don't go near that river wearing that Sunday dress"
But I did
Mama said "don't you waste your time girl chasing a boy like that"
But I did
Yeah I did
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Taper Jean Girl
Aha shake, taper jean girl with a motel face Aha shake, bury your eyes in a secret place Aha shake, black as night on a Summer day Cunts watch their bodies, no room

Мы Сделали Это
Все четыре стороны света нам не верили, а мы сделали это, Все четыре времени года нам не верили, а мы сделали погоду, Все четыре стороны света нам не верили, а мы

Accident Murderers
[Verse 1: Nas] You cocked back, you thought you had it planned You thought you had your man He saw you comin', he ran when you tried to blast that man Missed him by

Молитва (feat. Ls.Den)
Дай ума сложить оружие нам, Всевышний Прости тех, кто не смог простить своих близких Тех, кто обещав любить ушел по-английски Оставил пожилых, не оставив и записки Дай силы встать тем, кто упал, но верен До

Ой! Ой! Так я наче пишу вірші, А читаю на папері матюки. Ой! Ой! Ой набридло ото бидло, В думці каюсь, на язиці Матюки. О-й! О-й! (протяжно) Ой! Ой! Ой проклали до Тараса асфальтованую трасу, Ойой. Ой! Ой! Поховалися за кручі, думають що