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Pot Of Gold

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 07.08.2012

All alone in a café
I watch the world rushin' by
They're all dreamin' 'bout dollars and thinkin' 'bout
Mountains that they have to climb
A woman checks her reflection
A man straightens his tie
They wear troubled expressions and meanwhile
I just sit here and smile
You can chase all the sliver
If you need riches to hold
You can run after rainbows
'Cause I just found my pot of gold
I just met him last weekend
We've been out a few times
And it may seem too soon, but when he kissed me I knew that
He was my purpose in life
You can chase all the silver
'Cause I've found somethin' to hold
You can run after rainbows
'Cause I just found my pot of gold
You can chase all the silver
'Cause I've just found my soul
You can run after rainbows
'Cause I just found my pot
I just found my pot
I just found my pot of gold
All alone in a café
I watch the world rushin' by
They're all dreamin' 'bout dollars and meanwhile
I just sit here and smile

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