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The Sweetest Kiss Of All

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 11.07.2012

And so the play begins, and though it is the final night,
My heart will sing, just to be beside her now is everything,
And though it's a play I believe every word that I say,
'Cos I'm in love with her;

I am her Romeo, and every night my Juliet will have to go,
With poison and the knife we die to end the show,
But nobody knows that tonight when the curtain falls,
She will be waiting at the door, we will not hide it anymore;

No-one can come between this love and destiny,
With freedom there will be the sweetest kiss of all;

And now the play is done, and there are those who do not know
What has begun, and do not see that love should be for everyone,
But to marry a man from a far-away land is not right,
So she will be with me tonight, and for all this we will fight;

No-one can come between our love and destiny,
With freedom there will be the sweetest kiss of all,
With freedom there will be the sweetest kiss of all.

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