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I Can’t Get Over You

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.08.2012

I’ve been tryin’ for a long, long time
But no matter what I do
When I turn to leave, my heart stays behind
Cause I can’t get over you
I keep movin’ on, runnin’ hard and fast
But everywhere that I run to
I’m just standin’ still, livin’ in the past
Cause I can’t get over you
If memories were like the leaves that fall
The wind would have carried them from my mind
The seasons pass, but they never change
A broken heart can’t keep time
If memories were like leave that fall
The wind would have carried them from my mind
The seasons pass, but they never change
A broken heart can’t keep time
While I watched as colors faded in the sun
The color of my love stays true
I’ve been letting go now, but I’m not holdin’ on
I just can’t get over you
I just can’t get over you

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