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Who’s They

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 05.10.2012

They say we need to be
A certain way to fit the mold
Or so they say
But who's they

How can we pretend
To care and bend because we're told
We're not OK
Who's they?
Who's they?
Who's they?

They say we need to be
A certain way to fit the mold
Or so they say
But who's they?

How can we pretend
To care and bend because we 're told
We're not OK
Who's they?
Who's they?
Who's they?

We can't go wrong
When we all stand tall
And we sing the same song
We'll find it hard not to get along
We can't go wrong
When we all stand tall
And we sing the same song
We'll find it hard not to get along

We'll find it hard not to sing along
La da da da da da [x3]

We'll find it hard not to sing along
La da da da da da [x2]
La daaaaaaaaaaa

We'll find it hard not to sing along
La da da da da da [x3]
da da da da da

We'll find it hard not to sing along
la da da da da da [x2]

We'll find it hard not to sing along
La da da da da da
La da da da da da
La da da da da da da da da da

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