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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 05.11.2012

Well anyway it's a long story.
She's been waiting for so long
Still got the songs in her mind and the autograph on the photograph
She's got a past full of secrets
She's got a clock on her feelings back from the days when she used to have wings
She had a dream full of anger
She had a dream full of action
Afraid to get old she feels so cold
Such a typical reaction

Oh yeah, oh yeah. She wanted to be a heartbreaker
Oh yeah. She was so greedy but a lousy lovemaker
Oh yeah, oh yeah. She wanted to be a heartbreaker

She used to be the queen of the scene
She had a key but she lost it
Nothing's gonna last and the time goes fast - she knows
She had a man but she messed it up again
She had a chance but she blew it
She's gotta little baby boy in her womb but she doesn't have a clue yet

Oh yeah...

Striking her down
Crushing her to the ground

Похожие новости.



КІНО Ми проектуєм наше кіно, в твоїй машині їдем давно, музика, швидкість, залежить від нас, назва картини :"Люди в анфас" ПРИСПІВ: МИ- своє кіно маєм, сюжети знімаєм, живемо як відчуваєм! МИ - все сіре ламаєм руки тримаєм так сильно, не відпускаєм! Ми проектуєм

Найсвітліше Свято

Найсвітліше Свято

Найсвітліше свято із всіх свят - Воскресіння Господа Ісуса. Він своїм розп’яттям нам довів, Як збороти злобу і спокуси. Поборов він силу сатани, Подолавши смерть у Воскресінні. За його страждання на хресті І пролиту кров усі ми

Read My Name

Read My Name

For every child that has been born there is a chance to shine, And everyone can have a dream until the end of time, So live for every moment as the world



Here we are so what you gonna do? Do I gotta spell it out for you? I can see that you got other plans for tonight But I don?t really care Size me up

На Заре

На Заре

Где то в городе идет снег Превращаясь на щеках в дождь И не кончится никак век И не сменится никак вождь Я на воле не был сто лет Я забыл как шелестит бриз Птица белая летит

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