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Why’s It Feel So Long

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 17.07.2012

I just kissed you goodbye
I have nowhere to go ??
I know you've driven to the airport
But I just gotta pick up the phone
And hear you one more time
Saying my name
I must be going outta my mind

Why's it feel so long
Since you've been gone
Why's it feel so long

Time keeps dragging on
Til you get back home
Why's it feel so long
Baby ??

Cause I miss you babe

I've never loved anyone like I love you
So when you're not around
I must confess I lose myself
And I don't know who where I am
I might be crazy
Crazy about being your man

Why's it feel so long
Since you've been gone
Why's it feel so long
I don't know why
Time keeps dragging on
Til you get back home
Why's it feel so long

When I finally see you
I know it'd be like never left alone
But there's no cantillation
Tonight isn't waiting
Praying maybe you'll come
Coming coming babe

Tell me now

Why's it feel so long
Since you've been gone
Why's it feel so long
I don't know why
Time keeps dragging on
Til you get back home
Why's it feel so long

Why's it feel so long
Since you've been gone
Why's it feel so long
I don't know why
Time just cross along ??
Til you get back home
Why's it feel so long

I look in my watch
Stare at the clock
They don't move
I don't need a round ??
Just froze on the couch
So second feel like hour
Hour is like a day
It's strike like a zone in this home ??
When you go away

At least don't go away

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