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Dirty Moose

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 10.09.2012

Funk the neigbourhood,
Rock your body to the...kinky beat we do...one more time!

Baby don't you slap me,
'n' if you got to, make it snappy.
Your reason to feel happy, don't you lose control.

You don't like me somehow,
girl, get yourself together.
You won't live forever
I will change your mind.

Gotta get on, to get along tomorrow better fight now.

Baby don't get tricky,
I ain't gonna play your mother.
Ain't gonna play your father
I don't care that much.

Though I'm concerned about the way
you don't even bother,
to think about others.
I love your touch.

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Yeah, it's Young, ya know? Crack that shit down, roll that shit up, light that shit, pass it Nah, fuck that, face this one, yeuh, this for all my true weed smokers Yeeuh,

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