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A Message To The DJ’s

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 02.11.2012

Yo yo public service anouncment man
It's your boy- Weezy F. Baby, the "F" is for "fuckin'"
And uhh this is a public service announcement to all the DJ's
And the mixtape Dj's and the mixtape community
I just want to clear it- I have no problem with nobody
Understand me? especially not a DJ
I know if nobody fuckin' know,
You made my muthafuckin ass so I ain't trippin'
It's just that when these fake-ass dj's
And fake-ass mixtape dj's
Go to makin' shit that I know real mixtape dj's get pissed off about
They fuck themselves cause they be like
Thats the niggas that's pissin' wayne off cause
That's the niggas that doin' it all wrong
But you know what? I ain't trippin' on them niggas neither
Cause all they want to do is hear good music at the end of the day
Cause if it was whack, they wouldn't be puttin' it out
Hehe, so I appreciate all you niggas
And everybody else who put it out any kind of was you can
Cause if I was you, I would to
Dedication 3

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