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Funny Girl

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 01.11.2012

Funny, did you hear that? Funny!
Yeah, the guy said
"Honey, you're a funny girl"

That's me
I just keep them in stitches
Doubled in half
Though I may be all wrong for the guy
I'm good for a laugh

I guess it's not funny
'Cause life is far from sunny
When the laugh is over
And the joke's on you

A girl ought to have a sense of humor
That's one thing she really needs for sure
When you're a funny girl
The fellow said "A funny girl"

Funny, how it ain't so funny
Funny girl

Did you hear that?
The guy said I was funny
We'll wait 'till the laugh's over
And the joke's on you

That's me
I just keep them in stitches
Doubled in half
And though I may be all wrong for the guy
I'm good for a laugh

I may be all wrong for the guy
I'm good for a laugh

I guess it's not funny
'Cause life is far from sunny
When the laugh is over
And the joke's on you

A girl ought to have a sense of humor
That's one thing she really need for sure
When you're a funny girl
The fellow said "A funny girl"

Funny, how it ain't so funny
Funny girl

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