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You Love Me I Hate You

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 23.08.2012

Now listen...lemme preach to 'em
Lemme show 'em why..w-w-what it take...
I ain't gonna say why I'm better than others,
'couse I ain't better than nobody, actually.
But lemme show 'em why I'm a lot different from everybody else.
Because...and what I mean by everybody else I mean everybody else that does what we does.
You know, this recordin' industry, music, thing.
What I do is, I don't go out to the clubs.
And when you do see me in the club, trust me, I have been paid to be there for those thirty minutes that you enjoyed with me.
I don't stay inside for nothin' couse my house is nice.
I don't just get in my cars and just ride around neighborhoods where no girls are at, because my car is nice.
I don't do that.
What I do is, I go to studio.
And I just stay in the studio.
See you have to understand the difference.
The difference between me and you is to you, this is your job.
To me, this is my life.
The club; that's my job.
The mall; that's my job.
Your neighborhood; that's my job.
This studio; this is my life.
This is what I do better than anything.
So why wouldn't I do this all the time?
See that's the difference between you and I
You get money and you get crazy.
I get crazy and I get money.
And the biggest difference between you and I is...
You love me and I hate you

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