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I Had The Love In My Eyes

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 27.09.2012

Show me a man secure in his love,
And I'll show you a lucky man;
I loved her too well and I just couldn't tell,
She was holding another hand,
And when she said that she would leave in the morning,
I broke down and cried,

'Cos I had the love in my eyes, I just didn't see it,
Such a surprise, I just don't believe it,
Somebody took her away, oh I was blind,
I had the love in my eyes...

Day after day, in so many ways,
I gave her the best of me,
But she wanted more, and she opened the door,
Well I hope that you find what you need;
And all the time I thought that she was beside me,
She was drifting away,

But I had the love in my eyes, I just didn't see it,
Such a surprise, I just don't believe it,
Somebody took her away, oh I was blind,
I had the love in my eyes,
I had the love in my eyes...

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