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Shadows And Lights

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 25.07.2012

If you're out on a Saturday night, head downtown to the city lights,
They've got everything you're looking for, who knows what's behind that door,
"D'ya wanna go where the wild men go?"
"D'ya wanna come and see a dirty movie show?"
"D'ya wanna do what the wild men do?"
Well everything's right here in the Shadows and lights, on a Saturday night,
If you're feeling a little bit crazy,
In the shadows and lights, on a Saturday night,
Oh yes it is truly amazing...
Take a walk down to old Soho, chinese restaurant that I know,
(Lee Ho Fung)
Couple of ladies are hanging outside, down in the alley looking for a ride,
"Little boy d'ya wanna come upstairs?
You'll never get a better offer anywhere young man,
Do you wanna do what the lovers do,"
Well everything's right here in the Shadows and lights, on a Saturday night,
If you're feeling a little bit crazy,
In the shadows and lights, it's a double delight,
Oh what can you do to amaze me? Ooh the shadows and lights, on a Saturday night,
If you're feeling a little bit crazy,
In the shadows and lights, on a Saturday night,
Oh yes it is really amazing...

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