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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 08.08.2012

That old white haired judge from Dallas
Didn't pay my story no mind
They're takin' me down to Huntsville
I'm bringin' in a load of time

They caught me on a caper that I planned for days
And proved everything I done
I'm on my way to Huntsville
Bt I'm looking for a chance to run

My hands don't fit no choppin' hoe
And cotton never was my bag
The man better keep both eyes on me
Or they're gonna lose old Hag

It ain't so far to Mexico
That I can't find my way
They're takin' me down to Huntsville
But I'm not gonna stay

They got me chained in leg irons
I guess they got a good excuse
They know I'm gonna run the first chance
I get cause they're never gonna cut me loose

And I really don't care if they shoot me down
I'll never be free again
I've got two long life turns to do
Both runnin' end to end
It ain't so far to Mexico
That I can't find my way
They're takin' me down to Huntsville
But I'm not gonna stay

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