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Paths Will Cross

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 19.07.2012

This is it my dear old friend
Our paths it seems are at an end for now
Though in time we floated free
We're are pulled by separate gravities to ground

But it's clear in the way we part
With our hearts together but our hands apart
And it seems so hard to begin
Best friends we'll always be
Though your road don't follow me
I know our paths will cross again

Time has turned her face from me
And spin spirals fancy free I flew
With nothing but the dawn to see
And now I've got my memories of you

Well the road is windi' and road is hard
And there's no telling just how far
Or how many letters I might send
One day you'll walk with me
Against all probability
I know our paths with cross again

Time is like this fast freight train
You gotta ride, you can't remain behind
And all your friends are on separate tracks
And some of them and some of them they won't look back to find

The one place we all have known
The one place we can call a home
The place where each of us began
Sure as that day rolls around
When the road back home is finally found
I know our paths will cross again

Now my home is in a far off land
Where love and time have made their stand against me
And that's probably where I'm gonna stay
It's probably where they'll marry me some day

But after all is come and gone
And after every songs been sung there
Comes a thought I won't defend
Sure stones are left unturned
And on the streets where home fires burn
I know our paths will cross again

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