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Before She Does

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 11.10.2012

I believe that gas is too damn high
An' there ain't nothin' more American
Than Mama's apple pie
I believe in love; I believe in peace
But I don't believe we'll ever see it
In that Middle East
I believe the Bible is cold, hard fact
An' I believe that Jesus is comin' back
Before she does

I believe the Sabbath is a day of rest
The taxman an' the Devil share the same address
I believe don't start if you're gonna quit
I believe in keep your mouth shut
An' carry a big stick
I believe that dogs are better than cats
An' I believe that Jesus is comin' back
Before she does

There's absolutely, positively
No doubt in my mind
That OJ did it; Lee Harvey didn't
An' she's really gone this time

I believe that cold, cold beer
Tastes better on a bar stool
Than it does anywhere
I believe hard work really makes the man
But everyone should wet a line every now an' then
I believe it's best to pay in cash
An' I believe that Jesus is comin' back
Before she does

There's absolutely, positively
No doubt in my mind
That OJ did it; Lee Harvey didn't
An' she's really gone this time

I believe she was a real good thing
Can you believe I let a girl like her get away?
I believe she meant it the night she packed
An' said Jesus is comin' back before she does

Before she does
Before she does

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