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Shock To The System

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 26.06.2012

(Jon Anderson, Steve Howe, Jonathan Elias)

Shock to the system,
But you're going back inside of the light.
Shock to the freedom,
Only one more body of love in the rolling - They're rolling back to
Dreaming all the time; they be dreaming all the time.

Shock to the politicians;
You know they just got burned by the fire.
Shock to the freedom whispers;
They're only coming after the rolling - They're rolling, coming
Dreaming all the time; they be dreaming all the time.

So, in answer to the prayer,
The one you want is there,
The one you feel inside of you.
So, in answer to the dream,
This time you are so clear;
It's always got to be this way!

Shock to the future;
Shock to the rights of Mankind.
And they won't even go blind,
When they see what's going on.

So, in answer to the prayer,
The one you feel is there,
The one you feel so close to (The order of the Sun).
And everyone is one,
And all the pieces fit together.
Did it all begin with Someone?
Did it all begin with Someone?
I could not admit to being alive!

Shock to the system...

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