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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.06.2012

My first sip made me gag
And I thought I was gonna blow beets
But I took another and pretty soon brother
Sour mash started tasting sweet
Made me feel brave and strong
Bulletproof, like I could do no wrong
But I found out before too long
What I should've known

You can learn to love anything
Even a bird in a cage will sing a song
Even it's wrong
Even if it kills you in the end
You can learn to love anything
Trade your heart and soul for a ball and chain
Anything can bring you pleasure, even pain
Pick your poison
Pick your poison

Ruby lips hid a razor tongue
And heart, blue as glacier ice
I was warned, but I was willing
To ignore everybody's advice
The more I gave, the more she took
She walked away without a second look
Just one more page from the great big book
On how

You can learn to love anything
Even a bird in a cage will sing a song
Even if it's wrong
Even if it kills you in the end
You can learn to love anything
Trade your heart and soul for a ball and chain
Anything can bring you pleasure, even pain
You can learn to love anything
A prison wall, a ball and chain
Anything can bring you pleasure, even pain
Pick your poison
(You can learn)
Pick your poison
Pick your poison
(You can learn)
Pick your poison
Pick your poison
Pick your poison

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