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Speak To Me

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 16.08.2012

there's a lesson then I'm willing to learn it
If there's a blessing then I'm willing to earn it
But I'm lost on a day like this and I need a little helping hand.
My kamikazi is coming to break up
Every plan I been trying to make up
I had a vision but I didn't think to listen to the truths up against me now

So speak to me I'm in a city looking bleak to you me
I need to breath and find out what it means to be.
Speak to me I got a feelin there's a freak in me that's seeking me and everything is eating me.
Speak to me I couldn't give a shit if what you leak
Is super weak, I gotta get your energy.
Speak to me, I could be capable of secrecy but lock and key is never gonna free me.
Woh, speak to me.

I sit around drinking coffee all day
Nothing to do and a little to say
I get stuck into the thought of letting love in, Thinking I can understand myself
But then the whirlpool pulls me under
And it tears my mind asunder
I get to wishing that I could be a vanishing act
And slip away by stealth


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