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All Of My Life

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 26.10.2012

All of my life
I have walked alone
In search of a star
You are that star
You're the one I've waited for
You're the one I've waited for

All of my life
There's a song to sing
A chorus for two
All that love can bring
I'll share here with you
You can make it all come true

So darling
All of your life to share
Is all I'm asking
All of the minutes and the years
All of your happiness
And sometimes all your tears

So darling
All of my life to share
Is all I give you
All of the flowers in the field
We'll walk together through the sunsets and the years

So darling
All of my life to share
Is all I'll give you
And all of the flowers in the field
We'll walk together through the sunsets and the years
All of my life
There's a song to sing
A chorus for two
All that love can bring
I'll share here with you
You can make it all come true

So darling
All of my life to share
Is all I'm asking
All of the minutes and the years
All of your happiness
And sometimes all your tears

So darling
All of my life to share
Is all I give you
All of the flowers in the field
We'll walk together through the sunsets and the years

So darling
All of your life to share
Is all I'm asking

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