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Sight And Touch

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 26.09.2012

My girl wakes in her bed of night,
Dressed in silver and dressed in white,
She says she's having the strangest dreams,
Of another time and century;

And now she speaks of a far-off place,
A woman and a man are in a deep embrace,
Don't they know it's against the law,
Well it must have been before the war,
Long before; it was

Real love and devotion - with sight and touch,
Real love and emotion - with sight and touch,
Real love and devotion, before the modern world;

She hears voices in her mind,
Talking of another world lost in time,
Before they took away the words,
That told us how we used to be,
Our history; words of

Real love and devotion - with sight and touch,
Real love and emotion - with sight and touch,
Real love and devotion, before the modern world;

And now we live in a two by four,
Never going outside through the door,
They're watching us on the videoline,
But we sit and wait until the night,
And in the night, we have

Sweet love and devotion - with sight and touch,
Real love and emotion - with sight and touch,
Sweet love and devotion, in such a modern world;

We're never going to be lonely - with sight and touch,
We're never going to be lonely - with sight and touch,
We're never going to be lonely in such a modern world...

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