when he was about seventeen
he stole a magazine
'dancing queen'
the frontpage girl called marilyn
she looked pretty, lean
and quite obscene
he knew
she'd never let him down
like every other one in town
she was the only one
marilyn the dancing queen
was smiling from his
TV screen
marilyn the dancing queen
was always loving in his
sweetest dream
he tried to call the magazine
left a message on
their answer machine
that his in love with marilyn
if she could phone him back
he would be keen
he knew
she'd never let him down
like every other one in town
she was the only one
marilyn the dancing queen
was smiling from his
TV screen
marilyn the dancing queen
was loving in
his sweetest dream
marilyn, oh marilyn
champagne, strawberries and cream
marilyn, oh marilyn
satin, lace and velveteen
sweet sweet dream
sweet sweet dream
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Добра Пісня
Люди бачать сни, Чорно-білі сни, В снах летять вони... Хай літають сни – Забирають злих. Ти коханий спи... Приспів: Хай літають сни, літають – Забуваю, забуваю, забуваю! Злі, недобрі сни... Ти, коханий, в них Відлітай собі! Я дарую все! Залишай мене! Я – добро
Get Up / Levantate
Levantate (Everybody get up) Levantate (Everybody get up) Levantate (Everybody get up) Levantate (Everybody get up) Levantate (Everybody get up) Levantate (Everybody get up) Levantate (Everybody get up) Levantate (Everybody get up) Mueve, Mueve, Mueve, Mueve (Everybody get up) Mueve, Mueve, Mueve, Mueve (Everybody get up) Mueve, Mueve, Mueve, Mueve If
Still Water Runs The Deepest
Still water runs the depest like a love complete and through So peaceful and dependable I can't say the same about you Your love is cold and selfish and it never could
Целый век целый год не кончается дождь. И ты опять одна, и ты опять одна. И ложится в ладонь медный лист. Словно грош этой любви цена. Этой любви цена - медный грош. Припев: Вот и кончилось