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Cut The Rope

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 10.08.2012

Bad boy-Jimmy says where it's at?
Down the hallway of kids playing flipper with the Jax
And the tax for the trench coat I bought
Measures up for the fines that we paid today
And for those who couldn't run away
Well they got beaten up and thrown in jail

And we never cut the hope
'Cause we never cut the rope

Here's your money for all that I've done
E's and lizards broken pistols and the promise about the sun
Get it on!
All this brag about us Measures up for the shit that we wrote today
And for those who couldn't get away
Well they got beaten up and thrown in jail

And we never cut the hope
'Cause we never cut the rope

No the bastard's on their way
They have been reading too much crappy but then again
I ain't that lucky bloke they've read about I am a lone star, cut it again...
Bad boy-Jimmy says how do you do?
Down the hallway of kids playing poker with the fools
And they loose every dime they've got
But it's good for us 'cause we got paid today
And the brothers that couldn't get away
Well they got beaten up and thrown in jail

And we never cut the hope
'Cause we never cut the rope?

Похожие новости.



Я уезжаю навсегда, уже подали поезд, Погасла на небе звезда, и завершилась повесть. Войду в купе я сам ни свой и стану пассажиром, Простился я с тобой одной, а кажется, что с миром. Зачем?

Give Me Fire

Give Me Fire

Jimmy you never feared the life ahead you never lived the life I gave you when I hold you Daddy said you're gonna get it You're gonna burn before the dawn Your blood is poisoning



Починається день, ти стоїш у вікна Поміж тисяч людей самотня сумна Теплих слів тихий плин зачарує мене Я не буду знати де подітись, як прожити без тебе Приспів: Не сумуй і не плач, я з



Опустится занавес скоро, И, смолкнув, утихнет гроза. И сумрак в задумчивых шторах Закроет устало глаза. Сгустится туман суеверий, Повеет в лицо тишиной. И тихо безмолвные двери Закрою я в ночь за собой. На пыльном пороге оставлю тревоги И грусть

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