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Put Your Money Where… (Buy Me)

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 25.10.2012

I know you really need it bad,
you know this is true.
I know I'm always on your mind,
there's nothing you can do.
I can make you feel alive
if the price is right,
so let's put the seal on this little deal
and I'll be yours tonight.

So put your money where your mouth is,
I know what's best for you.
Just cough it up and let's get started,
anything will do - So, come on, buy me!

I'm your rose pink Cadillac,
your sexy perfume spray,
I'm your daily happy pill,
I'll make you feel okay.
I'm that special satin dress that comes from Paris, France,
I'm your throbbing sex-aid toy that simulates romance.

So put your money where your heart is,
I know what's best for you.
Just cough it up and let's get started,
anything will do - So, come on, buy me!
Why not try me? - Come on, buy me!

I am everything you need and everything you want,
try my special offer, you can pay me by the month.
All this and more, my dear, I'm the hottest deal in town,
call me day or night, you know, I'll always come around.
You can trust in me 'cause I love to see you lay your money down.

So put your money where your heart is,
I know what's best for you.
Just cough it up and let's get started,
anything will do.
Come on, live now and pay later, spend all you have and more.
I'm your cornershop persuader, adding up the score.
So, come on, buy me!
Why not try me? - You know you like me!
Please buy me! - Come on buy me!

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