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Confide In Me

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.09.2012

Confide in me
Religh on me
And I will try to satisfy
Your every need
Through the day
'Till we say goodnight

Take it slow, easy go
Any friend would recommend
The starlight show
On a night like this
I insist you try

Oh, now I know the nights will last
Morning sun is shining through
So close the door
And let the whole world passes by
While I confide in you

If you take the time
You will find
A smile face, warm embrace
A sympathetic mind, to do it right
Confide in me tonight

Oh, now I know the nights will last
Morning sun is shining through
So close the door
And let the whole world passes by
While I confide in you

Confide in me
Religh on me
any wish, you've ever missed
Is guaranteed
There's a peace of mind
You will find
Confide in me tonight
Ooh, confide in me tonight

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Si la vie c'est un film moi je suis pas Morgan Freeman Yen a meme qui attende ta mort pour prendre tes organes fuit man(belek) Emmene moi loin le monde me regarde

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