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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 03.07.2012

Many years ago in days of childhood I used to play till the evening sun would come
Then winding down that old familiar pathway I heard my mother call at set of sun
Come home come home it's suppertime the shadows lengthen fast
Come home come home it's suppertime we're going home at last

Some of my fondest memories of my childhood are woven around suppertime
When my mother used to call from the backsteps of the old homeplace
She said come home son it's suppertime oh what I'd have to hear that one more time
But you know time has woven a realization of truth that is even more thrilling
And that's when we get that call from the greatest glory to come home on suppertime
When all of God's children gather around the table with the love of himself
And we'll celebrate the greatest suppertime of all
Come home come home...

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