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To All The Girls I’ve Loved Before

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 24.09.2012

To all the girls I've loved before
Who have wandered in and out my door
I'm glad they came along, I dedicate this song
To all the girls I've loved before.

To all the girls the I caressed
And may I say I've held the best
For helping me to grow, I owe a lot I know
To all the girls I've loved before.

The winds of change are always blowing
And every time I try to stay
The winds of change continue blowing
And they just carry me away.

To all the girls who shared my life
Who now are someone else's wives
They live wirthin my heart, I'll always be a part
Of all the girls I've loved before.

The winds of change are always blowing
And every time I try to stay
The winds of change continue blowing
And they just carry me away.

To all the girls I've loved before
Who have wander in and out my doors
For helping me to grow, I owe a lot I know
To all the girls we've loved before...

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