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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 05.10.2012

[Drake singing:]
Things have been so crazy and hectic
I should have gotten back by now
but you know how much I wanted to make it
it's proabably better anyhow
so if you gotta go
if theres anything I should know
if the spotlight makes you nervous
if you looking for a purpose
you put the tea in the kettle and light it
put your hand on the metal and feel it
but do you even feel it anymore
I remember when you thought I was joking
now I'm all singing Karaoke
further than I've ever been
so if you gotta go
if there's any way I can help

[Drake rapping:]
Isn't it ironic that the girl I wanna marry is a wedding planner
that tells me my life is too much and then moves to Atlanta
damn, of all the places you could go
I just thought you'd choose somewhere that has somebody that you know
I'm always up too late I worry bout you there alone
in that place you call your home
warm nights and cold patron
I hope you don't get known for nothing crazy
cause no man ever wants to hear those stories bout his lady
I know they say the first love is the sweetest
but that first cut is the deepest
I tried to keep us together you were busy keeping secrets
secrets you were telling everybody but me
don't be fooled by the money I'm still just young and unlucky
I'm surprised you couldn't tell

[Drake singing:]
I was only trying to get ahead
I was only trying to get ahead
but the spotlight makes you nervous
and you looking for a purpose

I was only trying to get ahead
I was only trying to get ahead
but the spotlight makes you nervous

Похожие новости.



Спит луна лукавым сном изменщицы, Ночь длинна, как ноги манекенщицы. Только не зови, милый модельер, тень былой любви в голый сквер. В эту пустоту, стоя визави, не зови мечту, не зови. Где ты, где



I'm trying to navigate my way I lay by my back but winds have changed Stop for a while in the place It hasn't been started Facing the storm in every side Afraid to go



В сером королевстве, во мраке и холоде, В надменном, с блеклыми цветами, городе, Погрязшем навеки в болезнях и голоде, Дрожащем свете молнии, ночного грома грохоте В пустой дворцовой комнате душно от копоти, Юный принц грустит,

Don’t Make Me Come Over There And Love You

Don’t Make Me Come Over There And Love You

Don't make me come over there and love you I'd be beside you in a single bound Don't make me come over there and love you 'Cause I will right now I don't need

Моїй Україн

Моїй Україн

Чорний птах розправив крила Біль і смуток полонили Україну, мов дівчину Обійма печаль Розділю печаль з тобою І нехай над головою Білим птахом відлітає У блакитну даль Я нікому не віддам твою весну Край зелений і незайману красу Дикий ліс,

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