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Hammer, Stirrup & Anvil

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 15.06.2012

Our Glorious Leader
Declares by decree:
'The music of the Glorious State from this time on will be
Square-jawed and dreary
For the good of us all.'
Hammer, stirrup and anvil under state control

My name is Dimitri
Man of some renown
In this symphony of spies I keep my ear to the ground
Stave, crochet and quaver
Under the editor's scrawl
Hammer, stirrup and anvil under state control

An operetta for our leader
A quartet for the drawer
He gets the rank cantatas
And I keep the score
A libretto for the death camps
Some day you'll hear them all
Hammer, stirrup and anvil under state control
Hammer, stirrup and anvil under state control

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