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Voices, That’s All

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 29.08.2012

Seigfried Sassoon on the Dunbar End (Everyone sang)
When strangers became your new best friends (Everyone sang)
It was Armistice Day, and peace broke out (Everyone sang)
Sometimes a melody is louder than a shout. (Everyone sang)

Somebody struck up a song
We didn't know the words but still we sang along.

Just our voices, that's all,
Everywhere a concert hall.
Voices, that's all
Lullaby and call.

Chucking out time at the bar on the corner (Everyone sang)
From the Albion tap room to California (Everyone sang)
In the olden days before they put in a jukebox (Everyone sang)
"Please to put a penny in the old man's voice box." (Everyone sang)

Somebody struck up a song
We didn't know the words but still we sang along.

Just our voices, that's all,
Everywhere a concert hall.
Voices, that's all
Lullaby and call.

Lost in the middle of a demonstration (Everyone sang)
All power to imagination (Everyone sang)
Your song it sounds a whole lot better (Everyone sang)
When everyone sings that song together (Everyone sang)

Somebody struck up a song
We didn't know the words but still we sang along.

Just our voices, that's all,
Everywhere a concert hall.
Voices, that's all
Lullaby and call.

Just our voices, that's all,
Everywhere a concert hall.
Voices, that's all
Lullaby and call.

Just our voices, that's all.

Похожие новости.



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