Forever and ever
Forever and ever
Forever and ever
Forever and ever
It's forever
It's forever
It's forever
It's forever
Baby, no matter how long it be
We never lose that chemistry
And it's the strongest thing
I've ever experienced
So sorry, what ever happened to empathy
I know you motherfucker feel like we
When you're messin' with the one
True lover that make you O.O.C.
Even though I've been gone for a minute
It's wrong I admit it
Your love's so addictive that
I get so O.O.C.
Out of control baby
Although we've both moved on to another
Still long for each other
It's wrong but eternally
I get so O.O.C.
And that's just the way it be
Forever and ever
Forever and ever
Forever and ever
Forever and ever
It's forever
It's forever
It's forever
It's forever
Baby, everytime you touch me
Still get that electricity
And after all this time
It don't even make no sense
So s'cusa me, te quiero mucho papi
Je ne sais pas mais c'est la vie
When you're messin' with the one
True lover that make you O.O.C.
Even though I've been gone for a minute
It's wrong I admit it
Your love's so addictive that
I get so O.O.C.
Out of control baby
Although we've both moved on to another
Still long for each other
It's wrong but eternally
I get so O.O.C.
And that's just the way it be
Forever and ever
Forever and ever
Forever and ever
Forever and ever
It's forever
It's forever
It's forever
It's forever
It's forever
It's forever
It's forever
It's forever
You're out of control
I'm out of control
Bounce on 'em, just bounce on, come on.
Even though I've been gone for a minute
It's wrong I admit it
Your love's so addictive that
I get so O.O.C.
Out of control baby
Although we've both moved on to another
Still long for each other
It's wrong but eternally
I get so O.O.C.
And that's just the way it be
Even though I've been gone for a minute
It's wrong I admit it
Your love's so addictive that
I get so O.O.C.
Out of control baby
Although we've both moved on to another
Still long for each other
It's wrong but eternally
I get so O.O.C.
And that's just the way it be.
Похожие новости.
Летела Душа
муз. и сл. С.Чепурнов Думала, о тебе, мой милый, думала Может быть сама придумала я тебя Всё позабыв любя. Верила, одному тебе я верила, Всё хорошее, что отмерила на двоих Знала, что ты жених мой. Летела
Костер Любви
Горит костёр, как страсть моя, В ночной тиши я жду тебя. Я узнаю твои шаги, Цыган мой милый, ко мне спеши. Я узнаю твои шаги, Цыган мой милый, ко мне спеши. Хочу любить, хочу страдать, Хочу любить,
Timidez nunca me deixou dan?ar, nem sequer cantar Ver voc? me fez mudar, n?o sei porque mas Com voc? dancei, por voc? cantei Sonhei, amei, como fui jamais serei Timidez nunca me deixou dan?ar,
Я подарую тобі клаптик сонця, мільйон фіалок за твоїм віконцем, завтра розквітнуть повні надії вони також тебе побачити мріють. Ось де вона - моє кохання, Ось де вона, відповіла мені мовчанням, Ось де вона, забракло сили
Фаустове Свято. Ніч
Ось тобі, вбога пуста голова, перше знамення Різдва - снігу добув ти для білих поем, вітру черпнувши плащем. Крила не тут, але біль від крила на ніч прип’яв до стола - мить, наче рибу, ловиш багром повертаєш