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Spiral Suitcase

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 24.07.2012

Spiral Staircase

Spiral staircase going down, paint your body red and brown
on our knees we'll feast on a sex show
spiral staircase spiral staircase

greasy haircuts a german chinese girl
gonna keep ya'll busy tugging at my curl
you better get your ass together
you better walk, walk, walk by walking we cannot run

they all came to the party and theres four to every stall
get's fust-er-ating just pissin' on this wall
seems like theres another story bangin'
around every step you fake

Spiral staircase going down, paint your body red and brown
on our knees we'll feast on a sex show
spiral staircase spiral staircase

They all came to the party and theres four to every stall
get's fust-er-ating just pissing on this wall
seems like theres another story bangin'
around every step you fake

Spiral stair case going down paint your body red and brown
on our knees we'll feast on a sex show
spiral staircase spiral staircase

Spiral stair case going down paint your body red and brown
on our knees we'll feast on a sex show
spiral staircase spiral staircase

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