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Don’t Ever Let Nobody Drag Your Spirit Down

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 22.08.2012

You might slide
You might tumble and fall by the road side
Don't you ever let nobody
Drag your spirit down
Remember you're walkin' up to heaven
Don't let nobody turn you round

Walk with the rich
Walk with the poor
Learn from everybody that's what life is for
Don't you ever let nobody
Drag your spirit down
Remember you're walkin' up to heaven
Don't let nobody turn you round

Some say yes
Some say no
Some wait and see which way the wind blow
Don't you ever let nobody
Drag your spirit down
Well we're walkin' up to heaven
Don't let nobody turn you round

Well I might say things
Sound strange to you
And I might preach the gospel I believe it's true
I won't let nobody
Drag your spirit down
Yes I'm walkin' up to heaven
Won't let nobody turn me round

You might slip
You might slide
You might tumble and fall by the road side
Don't you ever let nobody
Drag your spirit down
Remember you're walkin' up to heaven
Don't let nobody turn you round

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