Darkness — Darkness
Darkness, darkness
Be my pillow
Take me in and let me sleep
In the coolness of the shadow
In the silence of the deep
Darkness, darkness
Hide my yearning for the things that cannot be
Keep my mind from constant turning
Towards the thing that cannot see
Thing that cannot see,
Thing that cannot see.
Darkness, darkness
Long and lonesome is the day that brings me everything
I have felt the edge of sorrow,
I have known the depth of fear.
Darkness, darkness
Be my blanket
Trouble me with your endless night,
Take away, take away, take away the pain of knowing
Fill the emptiness with bright
Emptiness with bright,
Emptiness with bright
Darkness, darkness
Be my blanket
Take me in and cover me
Take away, take away, take away the pain of knowing
Fill the emptiness with bright,
Emptiness with bright,
Emptiness with bright
Emptiness, loneliness
Take away
Emptiness, loneliness
Take away
My sorrow
Похожие новости.

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В новой колеснице лет, с необычайной легкостью Пересекая свой несметный возраст, явилась птица. Оперение искрится, будто бы усердно связано тонкими спицами, Питаясь лишь частицами звездного света да росой на рассвете, Пожелав напиться. Скоро покрывалом