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The Lord Loves The One (That Loves The Lord)

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 02.08.2012

The Lord loves the one that loves
the Lord
And the law says if you don't give,
then you don't get loving

Now the Lord helps those that help
And the law says whatever you do
is going to come right back on you

We all making out
Like we own this whole world
While the leaders of nations
They're acting like big girls
With no thoughts for their God
Who provides us with all
But when death comes to claim them
Who will stand,
and who will fall?

The Lord loves the one that loves
the Lord
And the law says if you don't give,
then you don't get loving

Now the Lord helps those that help
And the law says whatever you do
is going to come right back on you

We all move around,
with objectives in mind,
to become rich or famous,
With our reputations signed,
But the few that can reach,
to this coveted slot,
don't escape old age creeping,
through their bodies,
like a rot

While the Lord loves the one that loves
the Lord
And the law says if you don't give,
then you don't get loving
Now the Lord helps those that help
And the law says whatever you do
is going to come right back on you

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