Tired Of Midnight Blues
The sun came into view
As I sat with the tears in my eyes
The sun came up on you
And as you smiled, the teardrop, it dried
I don't know where I had been
But I know what I have seen
Made me chill right to the bone
Made me wish that I'd stayed home along with you
Tired of midnight blues
The sun came up so high
And as it shone, I realized your love
The sun shone in your eyes
And as you smiled, you realized it too
Don't know where I had been
But I know what I have seen
Made me chill right to the bone
Made me wish that I'd stayed home with you
Tired of midnight blues
Don't know where I had been
But I know what I have seen
Made me chill right to the bone
Made me wish that I'd stayed home with you
Tired of midnight blues
The sun went down the sky
Way up the clouds told me that they knew
The moon came up so high
And as you smiled, I knew that you knew too
Don't know where I had been
But I know what I have seen
Made me chill right to the bone
Made me wish that I'd stayed home with you
Tired of midnight blues
I don't know where I had been
But I know what I have seen
Made me chill right to the bone
Made me wish that I'd stayed home with you
Похожие новости.
I see you try to avoid me You ain't so friendly Cold like ice I can see what that means Let me explain first why I haven't been around I let you know why
Що То За Предиво
Що то за предиво - в світі новина, То Діва Марія сина зродила. А як вона породила, у ясельця положила Пречиста Діва. А Йосиф старенький над ясельцями стоїть, Ісусові Христові оксамит стелить. А Марія прибігає до
Тільки пару слів достатньо, щоб змалювати щастя Тільки пару слів і море, море, море ласк В ньому я тебе скупаю, душа летить до раю Далеко, так легко, співаю я тобі Приспів: Вперше серце віддала, вперше
Золотой Иероглиф
1. Ни сомнений, ни вопросов… Все в глазах твоих раскосых Шепчет о любви. И имеет ли значенье буква $ с пересеченьем, Что на юном плече камертоном звучит? ПРИПЕВ: Но золотой иероглиф, Что на твоем спит плече, Твой золотой иероглиф, Тебе
Ярким Пламенем
Тянется рука к телефону Хочется нарушить все запреты и законы И длинные гудки как затишье перед бурей Сказать все Простить все И не забыть, что солнце - это ты Ярким-ярким